3 ways to spend less time on social media and actually make more money

When I finally got some real traction in my business by becoming obsessed with productivity, I knew that I needed strategies that DIDN’T rely on social media for a few very important reasons:

  1. Social media is ALWAYS changing🙄🙄. The algorithm, the platforms, the tools, ALL OF IT. just. Keeps. Changing. And freedom (in my books) doesn’t involve spending most of my time and energy trying to keep up with these changes. (sorry insta-gods)
  2. Mental Health. I love a good scroll as much as the next gal, but I’m a hardcore introvert and reserve the right to turn off my phone for 48 hours with no notice😉.  
  3. PRODUCTIVITY. Mindless scrolling on social media is a HUGE productivity killer and focusing your time here is NOT the quickest path to hitting your goals. My motto is GET IN. GET OUT. Because some of the smartest minds in the world are being paid A LOT of money to try to keep you IN the scroll. And idk if you’ve noticed, they’re pretty good at their job😳.

But, social media is also such an incredible asset to new business owners, it’s free and gives us unprecedented access to our dream clients, whenever, wherever. 

So how do you get the most out of the platform while simultaneously not feeling like a slave to it?

In today’s blog, I share my 3- step process 👇👇

step one – the content workflow

I get all jazzed up talking about content workflows. 

Seriously… everyone should have these in their business. 

Imagine creating just one core piece of content that can stretch across all your platforms for an entire week?!

It goes a little something like this… 

So let’s say every Monday you go LIVE in your Facebook Group to talk to your audience about something you genuinely enjoy talking about AND provides them with tons of value. 

You jam out LIVE for about 10-15 minutes, download the video and then share it to IGTV. 

The next day, on your insta story talk share a snippet of what you talk about in your video, prompting your community to check it out (if they haven’t already). 

Then using the EXACT SAME content from your video, create a blog and email your list about the blog. 

Push the blog and video on Pinterest (my personal fav) 

Et Voila 💁‍♀️

See what you just did there? 

You focused all your time and energy into one really great, core piece of video content that you then RECYCLED into 10-20 pieces of content. 

Meaning you only have to think of something valuable to say ONCE. 

AND it gets better…. 

If you have a team, you only have to show up for 10-15 minutes A WEEK to record the video. 

Your dream team will then take the video and turn it into the smaller pieces of content. 

All of this is done OFFLINE and then scheduled into the socials. 

Which leads me to step two… 

✅ step two – schedule that sh*t

Alright, so you recorded your video and have it broken up into smaller, bite size, pieces of content. 

Here’s where you get strategic and AUTOMATE (you know I’m all about systems) 

Think: what is the goal and strategy with my content this week? 

👉 Is it to nourish your audience? 

👉 Is it to get people excited about a webinar you’re doing in a few weeks? 

👉 Is it to let people know you’re opening enrollment to a new course? 

Once you know your goal, give yourself that bird’s eye view and map out your content in your scheduler. 

I personally use Later and MeetEdgar 

Once everything is scheduled, YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO OPEN YOUR PHONE! #thedream 

OBVI you’re still going to want to engage with your community but the actual planning and posting should all be automated at this point. 

step three – the strategy

In step two we talked about content strategy. 

In this step, I want to talk specifically about my Instagram Story Strategy. 

Rather than posting 10+ stories all at once (which is kind of what I was doing) what actually works really well is posting stories at specific times of the day. 

You’ll want to look at your numbers and get nerdy with your specific analytics but for us, we found that posting on stories in the morning,  in the afternoon and in the evening works really well. 

I knowww I said I don’t waste my time and energy trying to keep up with the algorithm changes BUT posting at separate intervals throughout that day will keep you constantly at the front of people’s instagram stories. 

For this, we thank the insta-gods. 

This keeps your top of mine. People are way more likely to click on your stories, see your posts and hear about your products and services. 

There you have it my dudes. 3 ways to spend less time on social media and actually make more money. 

Follow these strategies so you can be the Creator and not a slave to Mark Zuckerberg (love ya Marky) 

Create. Get In. Get Out. 

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